Friday, March 23, 2007

More Opel Pics, and Alchemy

It's been pretty quiet around here; I've been reconstructing the shambles of my life and business left by an extended trip out of town, and simultaneously gearing up to go to Pittsburgh for the first annual Craft Congress. It's a small conference, about 50 people, by the leaders and organizers of the growing new wave handcrafts movement. Event organizers, distro projects, magazines, and websites will be representing from all over the US and beyond. Here a new friend of mine has hosted the event's press release properly... I'm barely able to keep up with my own promotional efforts. I have been busy, though - check out the updated artist list for April 28th's Pandora's Trunk!

I have gotten to see some better pictures from the Opel show last weekend. here's one from my good friend Chuck who came to shoot the show (but is sitting on the rest of his pictures! oh, the suspense!):

that's me taking my bow, feeling sheepish and strange on the catwalk. Here are a few shots I pulled from the mvgals gallery:

Finally, this is what I'll be up to this weekend: Running with Scissors (a part of Alchemy).

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