Stone fruit is starting to come in with a vengeance, and even in the perpetual summer of California there is nothing that lets you know what season it is like fresh cherries and peaches. Mmmm! Time to put on your best convertible shirt, roll up the sleeves in the afternoon sun and then button the cuffs when the fog rolls in, lounge on a hillside in a cool clean wind, eat something that will stain your lips red. While you are at it I want you to think about art and technology, how to implement them in your life, and what their implications are. Then come and talk to me about it.
#1. It's All True Art / Orson's / June 10
#2. Thread|Bare / The LAB / June 11 (&12-13)
#3. Wonderland art opening / June 12
#4. Forever Never Comes at Boxcar Theater / open NOW through June 26
#5. Oil spill coverage (no, you can't stop thinking about this yet)
#6. Satan's Angel / burlesque class / Monday June 21
#7. Medium Reality studio sample sale / Tuesday June 22
#8. The Dynamite Show! / Fou Fou Ha / Brava Theater / June 17-26
#9. Emrg N See / Oregon / July 16-18
whew! Is that enough stuff for ya? I know I am sleepy. Maybe it has to do with laying in a sailboat in the sun while I write this, but I'd like to think it's because of how hard I work. I'd like you to think that too, ok?
see you later, my lovelies. Be careful out there.
Medium Reality: sustainable as hell
#1. It's All True Art / Orson's / June 10
7:00pm - 10:00pm
Orson Restaurant + Lounge: 508 4th St, SF, CA 94107
Mister WA presents "It's All True Art" Happy Hour at ORSON's
Our Featured JUNE Artist Rachel Lyra Hospodar
Designer and Founder of 'MEDIUM REALITY' Producer of 'PANDORA'S TRUNK' (Fashion In Performance)
Live sewing, live and remix video projection madness
Every second Thursday of the month, 'It's All True Art' invites YOU to meet the artist and participate in the live creative process while sipping perfect cocktails. Your host Mister WA is proud to bring to ORSON the creme of his transdisciplinary Arts peregrinations and celebrate Life and Art as ONE. An homage to Mr WELLES, the live wall cinematically magnifies a rich sensory encounter unique to beautiful San Francisco.
Great Place for a Drink, an Appetizer or Dinner. Admission is Free.
#2. Thread|Bare / The LAB / June 11 (&12-13)
Runway show and live auction:
Friday, June 11, 7:00 – 10:00 p.m.
$10 – $20 sliding scale admission
2 tickets free to the first emailer!
Trunk show:
Saturday and Sunday, June 12 – 13, 12 – 6pm
Free admission
Your emcees: Michelle Tea and Danyol Leon
DJ: Warm Leatherette
Performance by: SF Boylesque
thread | bare is a celebration of Bay Area independent fashion spirit. Local designers innovating in form, material, and interpretation create one-of-a-kind works and are brought together with performers to showcase their fabrications. The clothes are auctioned right off the models as they walk the runway, while scores of outfits and accessories are available in the concurrent trunk show.
2948 16th Street
#3. Wonderland art opening / June 12
Have you checked out this new independent design boutique in the Mission yet? It is a refreshing blend of fresh local urban designers with a Mexican flavor.
Romanowski with Peasants and Travelers presents
Artists without Boundaries for Doctors without Borders
Art showcase charity auction
Sunday June 12 6-11pm
Wonderland Gallery 2929 24th st, SF
featured and resident artists including
Ferris Plock
Paul Hayes
Medium Reality
...and many more
#4. Forever Never Comes at Boxcar Theater / open NOW through June 26
Super excited to have done the costume design for this Neko Case-inspired story. Heading out to the opening tonight!
Wracked by guilt over her brother’s death, Sandra makes a deal with the Fox Confessor, a mysterious and mythical figure who watches over the small, rural town of South Boston, VA. When the Fox Confessor demands payment, secrets are revealed and family sins are not easily washed away. Not even the hope of sweet new love with Dylan, a young trans man, can keep Sandra’s nightmares at bay.
Boxcar Theater
505 Natoma St
(yes, you can lock your bike to that black metal gate.)
#5. Oil spill coverage (no, you can't stop thinking about this yet)
I'm afraid we're going to stop paying attention to this as if it has gone away... it hasn't! Gobs of oil are washing up near Pensacola, the feds are closing down all the fisheries. Think about a little harm reduction, and come up with a way to reduce your petroleum usage a little bit. A little bit more. I'll go along!
"Is rounding up undocumented workers and potheads more important than cleaning up the #BP #oilspill? Apparently."
Yes you can watch streaming video of the seafloor 5000 feet down. For some reason there are no little fishes anywhere in sight.
#6. Satan's Angel / burlesque classes / Monday June 21
These classes are with Satan's Angel, a visiting luminary of the burlesque world.
Two Burlesque Classes. $25.00/each (discount for both classes).
Please contact to reserve your space.
916 Natoma @ 10th Street. SF
Bump and Glide: 5:00 – 7:00pm. Movement with Costuming, Props and Advanced Techniques.
Spinners and Tassels DIY: 7:00 – 9:00pm. Learn how to make pasties and fringe tassels with spinners.
#7. Medium Reality studio sample sale / Tuesday June 22
There are no details on this bad boy yet because I just decided to do it, today! It's been a while since I opened the studio doors to the public and I want to bring in all my favorite people (that's you!) and give you first crack at summer stock, and last crack at some old things that I have marked down to move. Snacks and wine, naturally. Music? Most likely. Video? If we're lucky. Circus? If we're really really lucky.
Mark your calendars and gird your loins
Tuesday June 22, after work oclock
916 Natoma St at 10th
#8. The Dynamite Show! / Fou Fou Ha / Brava Theater / June 17-26
Sporting a clown-based mashup of costumes including a heavy Medium Reality flavor. Making you laugh till you pee yourself. You know you love Fou Fou Ha. Don't miss this show.
~A song and dance extravaganza~
Phenomenal performance by Fou Fou Ha!
Accompanied by the live music of
The Gomorrans Social Aide and Pleasure Club
June 17th - 20th and June 24th - 26th
Brava Theater
#9. Emrg N See / Oregon / July 16-18
It's outside Eugene, and while I have never been to there, this laid-back party full of really diverse music and people who are there to have a good time (and love buying my clothes) makes me want to check out the town as well. I'm still working on travel logistics and have an extra ticket.. so anyone who has been craving a little road trip, drop me a line!